This show cannot happen without the help of our sponsors!
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every sponsor who has supported us over the years. We are truly grateful that you’ve given us the opportunity to create an event that not only provides fun but also an educational experience for the City of Madison, Indiana. Your continued support has been instrumental in helping us grow this great event and showcasing the beautiful Madison Municipal Airport, a true gem in our community.
Thank you from all of us!
Thank you from all of us!
The airshow is proudly ran by madison municipal airport events inc.
Platinim sponsors
Sponsors at this level supported us with $5,000 or more! Thank you!
Gold sponsors
Sponsors at this level supported us with $3,000 or more! Thank you!
Silver sponsors
Sponsors at this level supported us with $2,000 or more! Thank you!
bronze sponsors
Sponsors at this level supported us with $500 or more! Thank you!
supporting sponsors
Sponsors at this level supported us with in-kind donations! Thank you!