Does Madison have scheduled flights to ______________?
No. This is called an Air Carrier operation and currently Madison does not have this type of service.
How much would it cost to fly from Madison to ________________?
This type of flight is called Air Charter. Currently, no one at Madison offers this service. There are businesses from other airports who could provide this service, click here for more information.
How much does it cost to go for an Airplane Ride?
Please click here to view plane ride options and pricing. You will need to schedule an appointment with the individual business for your ride.
Is there a legal minimum altitude that airplanes can fly over residential areas?
Federal Aviation Regulations specify a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet over congested areas and 500 feet over non-congested areas. The exception to this rule are helicopters or aircraft that are in the process of taking off or landing.
What can the airport do to keep airplanes from flying over my house or neighborhood?
In an odd "Catch 22", the airport is responsible for airport noise but has absolutely no control over how and where the aircraft fly. Once the wheels of the aircraft leave the pavement, the aircraft is under the control of the Federal Aviation Administration. In the event of an aircraft issue, we recommend you call the Airport at (812) 273-1914. If we can not handle the issue, a call to the Indianapolis Flight Safety Districts Office should be placed for your concern.